THE CORNER STORE STORY – A fashion editorial

Memories of the local corner store growing up, and saying to your friend, “meet me at the corner store”. Buying slap chips, fizzy drinks and gum. Playing the unbeatable claw machine in the hopes of procuring a plush toy to take home with you. To some, just fond nostalgia but to Duran Levinson, Hanna Goldfisch, Carla Vermaak and Wiebke Reich, this space holds the possibility for creative expression. The awakening of an editorial photographed inside and around corner stores.

To the team behind the shoot, their aims were simple, to create an editorial in their favourite corner stores and their surroundings. A shoot that would be an enunciation of colour and their creative expression.

Approaching styling in a non-conformist way, Carla opted for colourful styling instead of neutral tones that are often associated with winter styling and dress. Her choice of bright garments interacts with the backgrounds of the images in a near symbolic way, mimicking the brightness behind the model. Another element that adds to the fun vibrancy of the shoot is the marriage of styling with beautiful soft textured hats by Crystal Birch.

In order to elevate the look and feel of the editorial, Duran exposed his film to light after completion of the shoot. This editorial is defined by its spontaneity and experimental nature that visually manifests as a shoot of nostalgic beauty and a celebration of youth and fun fashion combinations.

The creatives behind this shoot were largely influenced by street style culture. Many factors contributed to this such as Duran’s ease and preference to street style photography. The spontaneity of this form of shooting is an aspect that Duran greatly values and seeks in his work.


Photography – Duran Levinson

Model – Hanna Goldfisch

Makeup & Hair – Wiebke Reich

Stylist – Carla Vermaak

Hats – Crystal Birch

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